
16th of January

If someone gives you so-called good advice, do the opposite; you can be sure it will be the right thing nine out of 10 times.

— Anselm Feuerbach

4321 Action
I am done with wisdom, let us have action.
Run in the river, walk in the wind, shout
in the language of an improper fraction.
Tomorrow we can study life and love
compare and work out the relations thereof
Today we'll move firmly and without doubt.


5310 Life Isn't Fair
Life isn't fair, so we have to be:
the universe and luck give and take randomly.
But we perceive equity; we howl when we're wronged.
We're at our best when we defend others as well.
It doesn't much matter if those others belong
to our group; it's our principles that compel.

   16 Jan 25