
29th of November

It is better to be a part of beauty for one instant and then cease to exist than to exist forever and never be a part of beauty

— Don Marquis

3111 Making Decisions
It is wise to consult with your partner
but unwise to wait for perfection:
the map will be different post departure
and even the ground may change
but there's usually room for correction
when the path turns unusually strange.


6421 eztuleknu Places Stones
Time flows forward, entropy increases, returning all to dust.
Against the odds, life builds monuments and imposes order.
eztuleknu places stones on the cairn at his morning walk's border;
stones heavy and light, of toil, grief and pain, of gain, joy and loss.
Experience to take or leave, to use as you will, can or must.
To place in the puzzle of your life, at three down or five across.

   29 Nov 24